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Connect5 mental wellbeing training

I am trained to deliver Connect5.

Connect5 is a mental health promotion training programme that increases the confidence and core skills of frontline staff so they are more effective in having conversations about mental health and wellbeing.

Connect5 focuses on training staff to enable them to support better mental health, resilience, and ultimately improved wellbeing. The techniques used by Connect5 are underpinned by the Five Ways to Wellbeing and a cognitive behavioural model for understanding stress, distress and learning tools for self-management.

Connect5 is an incremental, three-module programme. The programme underpins the principle of 'Every Contact Counts' and supports the aim of making the best use of the skills and local contacts of frontline staff. Some staff will just undertake Module 1 as a personal development opportunity, whilst others go on to do all three modules.
